CAS: Incentives, Premiums, and Recognition Programs 101

Recorded On: 05/23/2018

One of the first steps in becoming a program seller is to learn about the types of programs you can sell to your clients and target audience. Join Paul Kiewiet, MAS+ for this introductory course and he will cover the basics of premiums, incentives and recognition programs for the promotional products distributor.

Paul Kiewiet, MAS+

Founder, Promotion Concepts, Inc.

Paul A Kiewiet MAS+ founded a sales promotion agency and sold consumer sales promotions, dealer incentives, years of service and other premium, incentive and recognition programs to companies such as Kellogg’s, Whirlpool, Borden and Coca-Cola. He was chairman of PPAI, inducted into the PPAI Hall of Fame and currently serves as the executive director of MiPPA.


.5 Point


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Online Education Survey For Credit
5 Questions
5 Questions INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer the following questions that best matches your response.
CAS: Incentives, Premiums and Recognition Quiz
5 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  4/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  4/5 points to pass Please complete the following questions in order to get credit for the session.
Certification Credit
0.50 CAS credits  |  No certificate available
0.50 CAS credits  |  No certificate available